Build your credit with our credit card

  1. Use your banking history to boost your approval odds by up to 35%

  2. Start your credit building journey

    The Zable card could help you build your credit score if you make your payments on time and stay within your credit limit

  3. Why wait for your card in the mail?

    Use Apple Pay or Google Pay and spend instantly with a virtual card, if eligible

Smart money people award

123,000+ reviews across Trustpilot, App Store and Google Play

Illustration of a person sat on the earth leaning back against a credit card looking out to space

Did you know?

icons for adding to goolge and apple wallets

Apple Pay and Google Pay

Zable Cards are available with Google Pay and Apple Pay

illutration of a person using an abacus

Transparent cost, no surprises

Enjoy spending abroad with zero transaction fees. We also don’t charge any monthly or over-limit fees

Illustration of a smartphone with a text message

Here to help 7 days a week

Fast and friendly support available from 9am to 6pm daily

app screen showing the last step of the credit card application

Stay on top of your credit with Zable

  1. Repay instantly

    You can repay any balances straight from your app by connecting your bank or debit card

  2. Track your spending

    View your balance and total spending in real time at all times, get transaction notifications instantly

  3. Credit that grows with you

    We automatically review your account for credit limit increases and let you know if you’re eligible

Check if I’m eligible
app screen showing the last step of the credit card application

See what our cards customers have to say

123,000+ reviews across Trustpilot, App Store and Google Play

Profile image of a happy customer


“The App is great to monitor spending and a great way to build your credit score”

Profile image of a happy customer

“Highly Recommended!”

“Application process was simple, quick approval and card arrived within a couple of days. Very user friendly app helps me keep track of my spending. Would highly recommend Zable”

Fast and friendly support

We’re here to help, 7 days a week.

Download the Zable App